The Difference Between SUI and Urge Incontinence
Not all leaks are the same. Sometimes they are small, sometimes large. Sometimes they come without warning and sometimes they just come. If you suf...
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Millions of women a year, as well as a lot of men, suffer from Urinary Incontinence (UI). Specifically, a form of UI that is triggered by pressure ...
Read moreIt is no secret that as we age, our bodies naturally change. Our muscles weaken, bones lose density, even our memories, and cognitive abilities can...
Read moreIf you watch any amount of daytime television, it is almost guaranteed that you’ve seen class-action lawsuit advertisements against mesh sling manu...
Read moreFor many women, the perception of developing light bladder leaks is simply that they are a tell-tale sign of aging. And they’re partly right - Stre...
Read moreIf you’re a woman, chances are you’ve had this experience (or something very similar): You’re going about your workout because you’re trying your b...
Read moreWomen have been suffering from light bladder leaks for thousands of years. The changes that the female body goes through such as childbirth or meno...
Read moreIf you suffer from incontinence, you are a woman, and you care about how you look and feel then probably the first thing on your mind in the mornin...
Read moreWe, as a culture, value youth and often take as many precautionary steps as we can in our lifetime to fight back the natural progression of time on...
Read moreMost women know that as they age, their body changes over time. One of the changes that women tend to expect is some sort of urinary incontinence o...
Read moreUrinary incontinence is one of the last things we want to talk about, but one of the most common problems that women face. But we often don’t think...
Read moreEverything about urinary incontinence is uncomfortable. Experiencing it, talking about it, and taking control of bladder leaks is embarrassing and ...
Read moreHave you ever leaked a little bit whenever you laughed too hard? Or on your morning run? Or just sneezed? Sometimes it’s a few small drips and some...
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