If you suffer from incontinence, you are a woman, and you care about how you look and feel then probably the first thing on your mind in the morning, and the last thing on your mind at night - and all points in between - is how to get help.
What is Female Urinary Incontinence And How Common Is It?
Female urinary incontinence is a very common medical issue. The Cleveland Clinic points out that “Urinary incontinence is twice as common in women as in men and far more common in older women than younger. It is estimated that 10% of American women under the age of 65 have urinary incontinence compared to 35% of those older than 65. This is compared to 1.5% of men under 65 and perhaps 22% of those older than 65. The rates are much higher in women in care facilities and nursing homes. Between 30% to 50% of these individuals may have some form of incontinence.” According to The Office On Women’s Health:“Urine,” the government agency points out, “ is made by the kidneys and stored in the bladder. The bladder has muscles that tighten when you need to urinate. When the bladder muscles tighten, urine is forced out of your bladder through a tube called the urethra. At the same time, sphincter muscles around the urethra relax to let the urine out of your body. Incontinence can happen when the bladder muscles suddenly tighten and the sphincter muscles are not strong enough to pinch the urethra shut. This causes a sudden, strong urge to urinate that you may not be able to control. Pressure caused by laughing, sneezing, or exercising can cause you to leak urine. Urinary incontinence may also happen if there is a problem with the nerves that control the bladder muscles and urethra. Urinary incontinence can mean you leak a small amount of urine or release a lot of urine all at once.”This can be a very embarrassing and very uncomfortable condition to live with.
The Impact of Urinary Incontinence
Women who suffer from urinary incontinence report having a lowered self esteem and can be more prone to depression. This is typically triggered because it is harder to enjoy day-to-day life and time spent with friends and family, when a laugh, a cough, a sneeze, or even movement can trigger a tinkle. This translates into a poor quality of life, relative to those who do not suffer from the disorder.Additionally, according to findings reported by The Obstetrician and Gynecologist, a staggering 25-50% of these women suffer sexual dysfunction as a direct result of their incontinence. They also report that up to 23% of these women end up taking time off of work. This translates into a greater societal cost, as that missed work time has an economic impact, as well as the personal cost, as the National Association for Continence points out. In the US, the cost of bladder incontinence among adults was estimated at $19.5 billion in 2000. And on an individual level, women with severe urinary incontinence pay $900 annually for incontinence care. The expenses include costs for things like absorbent products, medications, doctor visits, and dry cleaning or laundry. Unfortunately, incontinence gets worse with time if left untreated and costs only go up as we age. Women over 65 tend to spend more than twice as much on incontinence (7.6 billion annually) than younger women (3.6 billion annually). And it’s not just the direct costs that contribute to the financial stress of incontinence. Up to 23% of women take time off work due to incontinence. The combination of lost work, plus the funds needed to actually treat the condition can really add up to a financial drain on the pocketbook.
Alternatives to Bladder Leak Pads
Bladder leak pads, even those with modern comfort engineering, tend to be bulky and feel awkward. There is no way to wear them without being aware that they are there. This is why so many women look for an alternative to pads. There are surgeries available in some cases, and a range of medications that doctors can prescribe that might help. There are also exercises, such as kegels and bladder training, that work to strengthen and condition the muscles that control urine which can help in some cases; in that vein, weight loss and exercise never hurt the situation. (Source). Then there is a device. Revive. Made by Rinovum, this little FDA approved device is designed to reduce bladder leakage in those women who are suffering from what is considered stress incontinence (triggered by physical activity, sneezing, coughing, or running). It’s an easy to use, reusable bladder support that works from the inside out by internally supporting your bladder to reduce leakage from stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Each box contains a 31-day supply that helps reduce leaks for up to 12 hours, which means you can just place it and go about your day, discreetly managing your leaks. Life is stressful enough without having to worry about the constant fear of bladder leakage.